Personal Growth Challenge
We all have it in us… the ability to make a positive difference in our own life and the lives of others. Take the 30 Day Personal Growth Challenge and go on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Through daily challenges and self-inquiry, these challenges will put you on a path towards positive personal transformation! Each card offers an action to be completed that day. The challenges are designed to fit into your normal routine and will add 2-30 minutes to your day.
Some challenges will make you happy, others may make you feel uncomfortable. That is the point... to build awareness and to grow.
Take the Personal Growth Challenge now!
Or share one as a gift...

30 Day Personal Growth Challenge
Italian Edition
Spanish Edition
Retirement Edition
Also available as a client gift for coaches!
Sei pronto a entrare nella grandezza che c’è in te? Bene, inizia il viaggio alla scoperta di te stesso. Arriverai ai margini della tua zona di comfort… e una volta arrivato, troverai lì il migliore te stesso.
Tradotto in italiano da Davide Melis
¿Estás preparado para acceder a la grandeza que está en tu interior? Entonces, comienza este viaje de autodescubrimiento. Serás lanzado al límite de tu zona de confort... y justo en esa frontera,
¡Encontrarás tu mejor versión!
Traducido al español por Victoria Cepeda
Gift Certificates
Do you want to give someone in your life a truly meaningful gift that has lasting value...? A gift that makes a real impact on a person's life and well-being...?
Then give the gift of coaching!
Download the gift certificate in either .pdf or Word format to fill in and present to the recipient. The gift certificate can be for any package or any amount of coaching hours. Contact me for rates and details.
Charitable Pro-Bono Donations
Do you want to use coaching to support a good cause? Several pro-bono packages are available each year as charitable contributions. Contact me for details on coaching package donations for auctions, raffles or charity.